September, cool crisp mornings, a light breeze coming in the open window, a warm cup of coffee. You can't wait to put on that soft, cozy sweatshirt. Oh and don't forget the cute fall boots. Ah but wait...summer is holding on. By noon the temperature is 80 degrees. That cute fall sweatshirt and boots are way too hot to wear. Off they go replaced with short sleeves and flip flops. The longing in your eyes as you put that adorable fall outfit away.
The dilemma...the mums are out, pumpkins are ready, apples are ripe, my latte ( breve in my case) is full of spice. Halloween costume is picked (awaiting delivery from Amazon), football is in full swing. Go Pack Go. Your heart pounds, your fingers twitch. The fall decorating ideas are pinned and ready to execute. Corn maze date is clearly marked on the calendar. Wood is stacked ready for bon fires on cool nights. Only a few leaves have changed. Hold back, don't jump the gun. Corn isn't fully dried yet. Yes hold back. Corn stalks are a key ingredient for fall decor. Keep it together, just a little longer.
September is coming to a close. The crisp breeze is still only in the morning. Moved all the fall totes to the front for easy access. Teasing me every time I open the closet. Shut the door. Still too soon.
The first bite of a caramel apple. The sweet, smooth, sinful caramel mixed with the juicy, crisp apple just screams fall. September is torture. Waiting impatiently for the moment everything bursts into vivid color. Natures grand finale. For summer to wave its final good bye. I am crazy for fall. My all time favorite time of the year. Oh how I would love to bottle fall and make the magic last. Too rapidly the colors fade and the winter snow comes. So fall hurry up! Impatiently waiting.